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Joe McHoneyDoo

Team Leader

Meet Joe, a honey bee who has had a difficult journey but is now on the road to recovery. Joe was once a hardworking member of his hive, pollinating flowers and collecting nectar to produce honey. However, he became addicted to a dangerous substance that was often found in the flowers he visited, and soon his addiction took over his life.

Joe's addiction not only affected his ability to work, but it also put the entire hive at risk. His behavior became erratic, and he started neglecting his duties as a pollinator. His fellow bees began to notice his decline and tried to help him, but Joe was unable to break free from the grip of addiction on his own.

Eventually, Joe's hive reached out for help, and he was taken to a special rehab center designed for honey bees like him.

Since then Joe has established himself as a rock in this community commonly being reffered to as "the Queens Knight"!


Joe McHoneyDoo
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